This morning when i woke up as usual, i fell that i have this terrible pain at my stomach..and hence, i sun straight to the toilet..the pain eventually got off after the toilet-ing session..den as usual..i brush my teeth and then wash my face with water and what so on...
after busying in the toilet, as usual..i switch on my com just no check out the things i could have missed. everything seems fine when all of the sudden the pain visit me again..this time it comes 2gather with one of his friend..which means..double the pain.. den what not i run to the toilet's only after the second time i then took the Chinese medication which is never out of stock in my house..the Chinese medication always prove to be effective when i needed it the most..but this dose not seems so..
since I'm getting fatter and fatter dis few week because i had not been doing my sports lately..i think that it might be a good chance for me to discard off all the unnecessary parts..the fat that hide underneath my skin and so on..
Yar..I've counted..i went to the gents 6 times from 11am till1pm. what a record..
in one of the beautiful stomach play me till the max..the pain was UNBEARABLE i feel as if I'm about to die despite the pain I'm suffering with, i also feel like vomiting. I know for sure that that there's nothing left in me to be vomited out, my tank was can i feel like vomiting when it's empty? and then in the midst of distress, i called upon the LORD..i prayed to the Lord so that He could take away the pain I'm suffering with and the Lord answer my prayer. This remind me of what I've learned during my theological training course "Lord Jesus is the greatest physician"
after all the miserable toilet session i had and got enough of smelling the WONDERFUL aroma..i got enough of it.i called my mum and ask her to get me some soon as she reach home..i got my medication and i mix the solution and drank it at once..and then back to my computer..
actually i do not want to skip my class..but i cant go to the class..i miss all my friends and my is Mr.Sara class ler...haiz..i reli enjoyed his additon, our final is like 8wiks away..hopefully i can cope with what he's going to teach.
kla, have to go already..toilet is waiting for me..i'm feeling dizzy now...
buai buai~
SPM Levels Hokkien Exam Paper
1. Read the passage carefully
2. Grade yourself with the grading system at the end of the passage after reading.
3. Not that difficult, chin chai do lah !
Section A: Orrler Exeminetion (60 marks)
Singalella why become rich ?
Koo zhar wu chee ay char bor kia, Singalella.
She got two sisters, but the stepmarder and the sisters all damn kuai-lan, so she quite zhia-lat oso.
Last time Singalella got own maid, but now she become the amah.
Everyday must cook lah, clean lah, simi sai mah bao-kah-liao.
If her sister say liak kar zhuak, she liak.
Tak jit zho kah tau-hin.
EPF poon boh.
But then, kay piak eh ah-pek got one son call Ah Ming got party.
So he say, 'oeh, long chong lai ah.'
Singalella very happy because she never go party before but then her step-marder say, 'Lee Mana eh-sai kee, this one bahru lu eh sisters wu standard.'
Then Singalella must zho sui-sui for her sisters and step-marder.
Tap pai how, buay zhia, buay koon and buay pang-sai.
That night she only can wave bye bye and then she go back to the kitchen and cook Maggi mee.
Her neighbour came over and ask, 'Eh, an-zhua lu boh kee party?'
So Singaalella kong, 'I-wan, lau-bu kong buay-sai, so boh pian.'
She never expect but the neighbour say, 'Aiyah, kee lah, I give you money.'
So singalella brush teef and zhang-zhui, chen-kor, after that look very different.
She quickly run to opposite of the beh-chia-lor, already 11 o'clock.
At the party, Ah Ming also quite sian because the char bor all boh sui one.
Dance floor even got one ah pek dancing.
Just as Ah Ming told himself, 'Aiyah see-pay zhia-lat', Singalella came in.
Ah Ming straight away lau nuar.
'Wah-lau eh, see-pay heng ah, chee kor buay pai.'
Ah Ming say to Singalella, 'eh, sui eh, wah ai kah lee zho flen!'
Singalella say ok but Ah Ming like octopus, touch here touch there.
But then just it was 12 o'clock, one ah pek die on the dance floor.
He become ghost and tell Singalella all the good 4D number.
So after that Singalella quickly go and buy 4D, and then tiok tau-pio, zhit-pak ban.
So she pay back the kay-piak eh lau-kay-poh and then kah kee cho sen-lee.
Simi kuan eh sen-lee wah mana eh zhai.
Section B: Grades - Gauge Your command of Hokkien....
A1. Can understand the story and pronounce Hokkien correctly.
Hokkien eh sai, bo beh zao.
A2. Can understand half story and/or cannot pronounce Hokkien properly.
zhia lat
E8. Don't understand story and/or catch no ball.
leow leow, mai ka lang kong you is Hokkien Lang
F9. Don't understand rating.
kee see lah, wah mana eh zhai lee kong simi?
A man checked into a hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he
decided to send an e-mail to his wife.
However, he accidentally typed a wrong e-mail address, and without
realizing his error, he sent the e-mail.
Meanwhile... .Somewhere in Houston , a widow had just returned from her
husband's funeral.
The widow decided to check her e-mail, expecting condolence messages from
relatives and friends.
After reading the first message, she fainted. The widow's son rushed into
the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen
which read:
To: My Loving Wife
Subject: I've reached
Date: 16 Mar 2008
I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have computers here, and we
are allowed to send e-mails to loved ones.
I've just reached and have been checked in.
I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow.
Looking forward to see you TOMORROW!
Yesterday i spend the whole night at my second aunt house.all this happened when she call me the day before..
Aunt: Hao a.. u wanna stay over at my place 2morrow night mar? "gu zang" not in
Me : emm..okie ba..but En following too lor..
Aunt: okie okie..u all nonid to come here so early ter...finish up your internet
thing ad den onli come also nvm ter..
Me : okie..okie..
and so..the next day, which is yesterday we went to her house by half past nine..since it's not our sister and i thought that it'll be fun by watching "Emily Rose". my sis was having her fun time reading the comic 'detective connan' that she even put no concentration in the movie itself..when i got my 1st shock, she didn't realize until..
Sis: u got scare a.?
Me : onli u realize a..? u didn't got scare meh?
Sis: i was bzing reading the novel..u wanna know how i knoe u got scared?
Me : how?
Sis: i feel the movement of the sofa..dat is how i know u got scare.LOL.
ME : *haha*
oh thing i forgot..upon our arrival my aunt show us her house *opps* i mean the FOOD in her house..haha..she showed us where the food is placed and call us to have it all we nice!!
the best part is that she gave us a pack of chocolate which is brought by our 'gu zang' when he's on business trip to was peanut damn nice it..wanna take a look at it?

although it dose not look nice but it sure taste nice..*yummy*
i wonder if she would give us the other pack as well..haha..I'm going over there 2nite again..I'll be there either up till Thursday or Friday..'s predictable that I'll be gaining weight..i dowan!!
But the food is tempting me ler..cant resist it..have to take..summo, i cant afford to see my sister taking all those nice food in front of't blame me if i gain weight..
blame the food..
having math paper 3 and 7 2morrow hav to study ler..buai buai~
Mock is commencing in a super short time of 2 days time..which means we only have less than 48 hours to study..
48 hour - sleeping time - plying the fool around - meal time = less than 24 hours of studies maybe?
seriously time is really a factor here...and better still..everything fall in this period of time..*headache* for the past few day I've been planning on how to finish TORT and CTT and the 2novel(English Teacher, HomeComing)..
when everything seems to be alright..another problem came in..i was told by my church deacon that our team is going to mentakab dis Saturday which is 2day..our team is rather a more special team as we'll have to stay there for a night and urgent for Batu Balai the next morning to visit some of our members there..therefore..I'll have lesser time to study~ =(
Sunday - initially i should be going down to Port Dickson (PD) to clean our newly build church building for the world delicate conference (WDC) which will be held on the 29th of this month..after talking to my youth in-charge I'm excuse from it..yea~ i have more time to study ler..!!
i wonder weather i can finish everything in this 2 day..whatever the result I'll still accept good or bad..
I'm going off later...see u guys after mock ba..
p/s: not going to on9 for this few day~
Today was actually quite a great day as it's the so called
to a few of my friends..yar~ 2day was their birthday, the day where they grew OLDER by a year and the day that where there is a (+1) to their secret age where they used to hide from us (guys)
To my surprise, there's actually 3 person which i know shared their birthday on this day itself..actually i thought that there are actually two..but after surfing several blog i do realize that there is one person that i have neglect lol.
here i would like to take the chance to say;

Cathy Tai Jin Ling

Esther Tan Siok Yee(The Left one)
this is the only pic. i got..
and lastly but not least, Angel..our class Angel?it's actually not our class;s sngel frm (jan/feb)? though idk her..but i'll stil wish her ba..
hapi b'day guys..or should i say hapi belated b'day?
sorry for the lateness of this post..
2morrow we're having a short assessment on Occupier Liability..hav to study ler..buai buai~
Remember the pic that i say i would upload it ? well. . here is it..ta dahh....!!

i know that all of u are blurred by just seeing those pic..therefore; the description comes in here..^-^
from the top...
1)Dominic soo, the cutest baby in my church..he's a fast learner too
2)sister enjoying the steamboat..any shadow of me?(i'm in the pic)
3)the steamboat we had(my younger brother)
4)Nursery hymn presentation
5)Upper primary presentation
6)combined junior and intermediate youth instrumental presentation
Today when i reach home at about 8 o'clock after i step in the house, my sister who is walking behind me claim that she saw a shake..the 1st thing which came to my mind was "maybe she sees it wrongly" it have been at lest 4 years since we move in and there no any sign of can it be a snake then? "it must be earthworm or something near to that". i told her "don't bother about it an come in lar.." she did what i ask her to and we went in and enter the house.
after several hours, mum is sis told her that she saw a snake and my mum is like "faster faster...come come..kill the snake..take this take that.." we all rush down to the front door and trying our very best, opening our eyes BIG BIG searching for the snake for which in my mind is not a snake.
when we're down,
mum called me to take the bamboo stick and some torch..i did as follow and we search the thing out..
To our surprise it was. . . . . . . . . . . .

what is it?hm...cant see clearly?look at the nxt pic

know ad?

it's head..look how hard i had crush it..pity that snake..

it's blood stain? err..actually it's not's sumthing reddish i found nearby..haha

okie..this is the last pic ad..!!
yar~ when my mum saw it she asked me to KILL a filial son u know...i have to follow all her instruction and i ENJOY killing it..wakaka..i know..i'm bad towards it..4giv me if i had kill any of your friend..
what is is? Judge yourself..
well, i was late 2day...not actually late but the teacher was early...i reach col. at 10am and by the time i enter class i was surprise that the class had already started.before entering the class, i actually had in my mind ready to meet the strict lec. Mrs.'SHE'la..on my arrival, the 1st group is half way through their presentation..and then..i started looking for SHEla..i could not even trace her shadow after much effort looking for her, den onli i came about know that our lec. for LAN has been changed(once again)'s quite sad to say that we hav to adapt to the new lec. AGAIN..imagine lec. after lec. how many more they wanna change? it started with Mrs.siti den Mrs.shela..den now? Mrs.Aida(if i got it correct) or beta still..mrs.siti had undergone whole body plastic surgery for twice to change her out look..or they hav supernatural powers like transfomers transforming into new look here and there after?
but i reli hav to say that our new lec. Mrs.siti is the best among the 3 of them la..she's quite humorous and she got a way(a more lively way) to control the class..and this make the class going...
if our col were to change lec. i think they should get rid of the old and senile lec. sumeone like. . . . . . .MR.ONION? anyone agree with me?lol.i bet most of us do as he's one hyperactive lec. and like ****ing others..
well, i do reli hope that Mrs.Aida can change our perception twards dis LaN subject as it has been implant by the previous 2 lec. the boredom of LAn.